
With any of our services, we ask our clients to commit to their growth.


We ask them to be humble, we will help them to be disciplined and hold them accountable, and we commit to facilitating them becoming proficient.

Leadership  and Team Development Training

Red Letter Leadership develops and scales training to fit the client's needs while also offering pre-packaged programs for training.

Red Letter Leadership uses its own organic material paired with content and training programs produced by John C. Maxwell, who is widely recognized as the #1 leadership expert in the world.

Some of RLL's training includes:

  • Adopting the attitude to grow (Framework for Growth).
  • Foundational understanding of leadership (Leadership 101 and Leadership Framework).
  • Understanding your unique design and the design of your teammates (The Maxwell DISC Method Workshop).
  • Improve team dynamics by learning how to be a connector (John Maxwell’s Everyone Communicates, Few Connect).
  • Leverage your team's strengths to work more efficiently and increase productivity (Maxwell DISC's "PowerDISC")
  • Develop yourself as a leader (John Maxwell's Develop the Leader Within You 2.0).
  • A journey in personal growth (John Maxwell's The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth).
  • And more!
Consider a Mastermind Group for yourself or exclusively for your team

Leadership Coaching

Red Letter Leadership offers one-on-one and group coaching to grow you and/or your team from where you are to where you want to be.

A number of variables cause us to become stuck at moving forward towards a specific goal.  Our coaches are well-versed in operating in austere environments, facing adversity, overcoming obstacles, and achieving their desired endstates.

We coach utilizing The Maxwell DISC Method and many of John C. Maxwell's learning systems as it applies to the client's needs.  Coaching can also be packaged with training in a variety of areas such as developing leadership abilities, improving communication across leaders and teams, building a healthy culture, and personal growth where we focus on leading ourselves.

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Leadership Consulting

Red Letter Leadership's CEO currently provides project consulting for an international mission dedicated to countering human trafficking.  Click on this link to learn about the Gracious Samaritan Initiative (GSI) and where you can make a tax-deductible donation in support of their mission.

RLL consultants apply the lessons they've learned across decades of experience as special operations leaders, aviators, planners, advisors, and consultants to advance the client’s mission.

Their education and experience includes:

  • Formal military training and education in planning at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels of war
  • Formal education in interagency collaboration within the U.S. federal government
  • Tactical, operational, and strategic level consulting with infantry and special operations forces from a host of different countries
  • Leading training and education programs for junior military officers
  • Nonprofit executive and organizational development consulting
  • Nonprofit project management consulting
  • Extensive years of experience assessing risk, properly mitigating it, and making sound and timely decisions in austere and hostile environments.
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Tim Cox

Constable and Retired Law Enforcement Officer

“Jordan’s unique military training and experience, his insight, and his faith has made him a natural and valuable leader in the fight against human trafficking.  He is methodical, thoughtful, knowledgeable, and a great listener, which means he brings a great amount of humility to the team.  He has been instrumental in advancing our mission in Uganda as the project manager.  You will not go wrong bringing Jordan on your team to help advance your team’s mission.”

Behavior Assessments

Red Letter Leadership uses The Maxwell Method of DISC to assess, train, and coach leaders and teammates on how to work more efficiently and effectively with others.  Analyzing yours and your teammates' patterns of behavior will allow you to incorporate the science with the art of leadership.  Leading while not understanding how you and your team behave and communicate (verbally and non-verbally) is a recipe for friction.

Assessments and workshops offered for:

  • Personal assessments
  • Families
  • Corporate Teams
  • Sales Departments
  • HR Departments for hiring and retention
  • Students (HS/College)
  • Athletic programs

The assessment takes 10-15 minutes of uninterrupted time and is the gateway to understanding yourself and your team.

Schedule your DISC training now


Book a Red Letter Leadership coach to speak at your next event.

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Sports Leadership and Team Development

**In development**

Red Letter Leadership offers leadership and team development in the form of classroom instruction and practical application with your athletes and coaches.