
Opportunities for your company team to discuss topics that will prove transformative for their individual leadership development as well as the development of the team.


Public Mastermind Groups are offered periodically where individuals can join with others who are committed to becoming a more effective leader and teammate.

Why a Mastermind Group?


Where does leadership begin?  We believe it begins with the ability to connect with others.

We must humble ourselves to learn more about ourselves and seek to learn about others before we will ever make a connection. If you want to succeed, you must learn how to connect with people. And while it may seem like some people are just born with it, the fact is anyone can learn how to make every communication and opportunity for a powerful connection.

If you can connect with others— one-on-one, in groups, and with an audience —your sense of community improves, your ability to create teamwork increases, and your influence skyrockets. People who connect with others have better relationships, experience less conflict, and get more things done than those who cannot connect. Leaders who have learned the art of connection are able to communicate their ideas persuasively, establishing buy-in and attracting followers.


In this group study, we will explore how to:

  • Become a better communicator
  • Be effective in any area of life
  • Connect with people at all levels 


As important as connecting is to understand and communicate effectively, this mastermind group includes the opportunity for you to take a behavioral assessment that will be used and referenced with each meeting as we journey through Maxwell's book.

  • 6-week MMG ($200 value)
  • Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator Report ($75 value)
In Session...stay tuned for the next one

Gaining leadership insight is a lot like mining for gold...

You don’t set out to look for the dirt. You look for the nuggets. You’ll find them here.

If smart leaders learn from their own mistakes, then smarter ones learn from others’ mistakes—and successes.

After nearly forty years of leading, John C. Maxwell has mined the gold so you don’t have to, and he has compiled those lessons into this collection of lessons he has learned about leadership.

Each chapter contains detailed application exercises and a “Mentoring Moment” for leaders who desire to mentor others using the book.


What you will discover in this mastermind group:

  • Why the secret to leadership success lies in making room for others to lead
  • Why the toughest person to lead is yourself
  • How leaders distinguish themselves during tough times
  • The secret to a good meeting
  • And much more...


Next MMG TBD. Contact us to schedule a private MMG for your company team

Personal Growth and Leadership Development go hand in hand

Discover what it means to tap into your unlimited potential and become all that you can be!  John C. Maxwell, the #1 leadership expert in the world, practices personal growth and believes that his commitment to being a lifelong learner has led to his own successes.

This book reminds the reader that potential is one of the most powerful things you can learn about yourself.  A person's potential opens the door to possibilities, it heralds hope, and it unveils greatness.  In The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Maxwell shares the core of what he has learned about developing yourself so that you have the best chance of becoming the person you were created to be.


In this group study, we will explore:

  • The Law of Intentionality:  Growth Doesn't Just Happen
  • The Law of Awareness:  You Must Know Yourself to Grow Yourself
  • The Law of Consistency:  Motivation Gets You Going, Discipline Keeps You Growing
  • And much more...
Next MMG TBD. Contact us to schedule a private MMG for you company team

Kevin Lutz

Executive Director

"I have found the Red Letter Leadership Mastermind group to be an invaluable asset as I strive to become a better leader in my home, church, and organization. The insight, discussion, and fellowship have all contributed to my awareness of the need for growth and have provided the essential information to support it!"

Jeremy Reed

Financial Advisor

"Learning in the mastermind group (MMG) has shown me that we are all leaders in our own contexts and has instilled in me greater confidence in my own situation. Under Jordan’s wise mentorship, MMG has been a valuable experience of connecting, learning, and growing alongside other men who are seeking to learn from Jesus’ leadership and hone their skills in their respective leadership capacities."

Contact us for other training opportunities

John C. Maxwell has written 90 books which have sold to millions around the globe.  He has trained millions of leaders in over 160 countries.  As a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member, I want to bring you and your team the best leadership training in the world.

Contact Us